Brownface! - The History of Racist Hispanic Stereotypes

Brownface! Brownface refers to the creation and propagation of racist Latino/Hispanic stereotypes and caricatures. "Latino" is the umbrella term for people of Latin American descent that in recent years has supplanted the more imprecise term "Hispanic." Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, and any people who trace their ethnic roots back to Central or South America are considered Latino if they live in the United States. Racist Latino Stereotypes Hispanic Americans, like many other minority groups in the US, have long suffered from the effects of racial stereotyping. Typical stereotypes include: the Greaser, the Lazy Mexican, the Latin Lover, the Mamacita, maids, slum dwellers, drug addicts, gang bangers, feisty Latinas, the Mexican Spitfire, and the Exotica. The Latin Lover The Latin Lover stereotype was first popularized by Italian actor Rudolph Valentino and became a film standard after his performances in The Sheik (1921) and Son of t...